daav corbet
daav corbet

Through the Leaves

This is a series of paintings I am working on. Trees have always held symbolic power for me. While painting the series "Through the Leaves" I wanted to explore the many different ways trees affect us. Through the acrylic pour techniques I used I was able to capture the full range from spring budding and blooming to the autumn changing of colors. 


Using the pour technique means I relinqish control of the flow and movement of the paint to chance and chaos. That is what I like about it. Life is often given over to chance. Chance encounters, chance circumstances, can drastically alter the path of ones life. Much like a seedling growing in a forest, chance plays its part in the trees survival to old growth and mature wood. 


Each painting is 18'x24' and is ready to hang. 


Click on the painting image for additional information and to purchase.


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All images are original works by Daav Corbet who holds the copyright. Images may not be used or duplicated without the consent of Daav Corbet. December 2022